
The Android emulator runs a virtual CPU that Google calls Goldfish.
Goldfish executes ARM926T instructions and has hooks for input and
output -- such as reading key presses from or displaying video output
in the emulator. These interfaces are implemented in files specific to
the Goldfish emulator and will not be compiled into a kernel that runs
on real devices.

On Apr 27, 11:54 am, Chih-Wei <> wrote:
> Hello, I saw the follow branches in kernel git repository:
>   korg/android-2.6.25
>   korg/android-2.6.27
>   korg/android-2.6.29
>   korg/android-goldfish-2.6.27
>   korg/android-goldfish-2.6.29
>   m/master
> So, what are the differences between goldfish kernel and non-goldfish
> kernel?
> And what is the master branch?


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