On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Greg KH <gre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:04 AM, pavan savoy <pavan.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to install a line discipline somehow from the kernel
>> space it-self ?
> What do you mean "install"?  Load a module?  Or something else?
Yeah, install I meant is something like doing an EXPORT_SYMBOL of
tty_ldisc_put or something, with that any ldisc driver can,

do a tty_register_ldisc to register itself as a line discipline and
then based on a certain user input can perform a tty_ldisc_put
(although I understand, it would be just over-riding the current
>> Why such an requirement you may ask - For every line discipline that
>> needs to work over an ttyS, today linux requires a daemon, so if I
>> have 3 uarts and have 3 different ldiscs on it, it just adds me 3
>> daemons for no reason at all !!
>> [those daemons do nothing but do an ioctl TIOCSETD and don't close the
>> fd- to retain the line disc]
> Is there some problem with these extra processes that they are causing you?
Yes, they are kind of un-necessary.
1 daemon just to do an open(/dev/ttyS1) do an ioctl TIOCSETD on the
fd, and then sleep, and close fd on exit.
case of N_HCI (bluetooth n_hci line discipline).
> And those ldiscs are creating those daemons for a good reason, right?  If not,
> then change ldisc to use one that does not have an extra process.
I didn't understand this. I could not find a ldisc which doesn't have
a corresponding daemon.
kernel doesn't allow ldisc drivers to force the ldisc, it has to be
done by a daemon which directly talks to TTY layer to do an ioctl
> good luck,
> greg k-h
> --
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--Pavan Savoy

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