The Calculator is a Dalvik /"Java"/ app. All those get forked off of
zygote for performance reasons (zygote is an empty VM instance, ready
to spawn/fork off real apps; it has many libraries preloaded in its
address space, etc.).

Not sure why multiple threads though.


On May 6, 12:15 pm, Vesmar <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Im studing how Android creates new processes and found two scenarios.
> when I am running native programs on a terminal on Android (ps, ls,
> mkdir, etc) all programs are created in the standard way, that is,
> fork (clone) and execve system calls. The process name on task struct
> is set by the putname() on the sys_execve syscall handler.
> But when I run a Android application such the Calculator, for example,
> i found 6 new tasks (processes or threads) forked by zygote. In fact,
> zygote forks just one process and this new process spawns 4 new
> processes and set their names using set_task_comm() and the last one
> forks an aditional process. And at the last set_task_comm() is called
> for the first forked process from zygote.
> So there are two ways for set the task->comm field for a process: The
> standard way (using execve and putname()) and a new way used by
> Android using sys_prctl who calls set_task_comm().
> Does anyone have more information on how processes are created on
> Android and why a App needs all theis tasks forked by zygote? Why
> execve is not used and what is used instead?
> I m using Android for Mips using the Arriba QEMU emulator as my
> experimentation platform.
> Thanks,
> --
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