I wonder what is the correct mailing list for kernel patches on top of
the 2.6.32 msm android kernel.
I was strongly advised to talk to google people about our patches.

I've rebased the codeaurora alsa drivers on top of the 2.6.32 android.
Previously with me, David Lanzendörfer and Thingol who helped me in
#alsa on Freenode.net,made possible to use mplayer with the alsa
driver(previously it blocked)
Unfortunately it is very buffer-underrun friendly.
So I wonder what to do about that.
According to mark brown it could be the buffer managements.

We also have some other patches:
*we know which commit broke suspend on the 2.6.32 android kenrel,and
reverting it or hacking a bit the code fixes it,so it really
suspend(thanks to alain2210 on freenode)
*fixed compilation of the usbnet which we uses a lot.
*some changes from led to backlight for trout backlight
*some commits not interesting for you and other minor commits.

Is it the correct mailing list to discuss that?
Or is it the kenrel.org msm mailing list(they seem to be dedicated to
the inclusion of patches for upstream)


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