init.rc is in the ramdisk image, a disposable copy of which becomes
the root filesystem onto which /system, /data, etc are mounted.  You
have to learn how to modify that (sequence of cpio commands one can
never remember) and repackage it with the kernel. Rebuilding the whole
android is likely wasting your time unless the build system is
extremely sophisticated to do only what is needed.

How sure is the OP that the process is not working?  When you call
fork, one half is going to exit, the other half theoretically will
not.  If you check with ps, is it still there?

On Sep 21, 10:45 pm, ip332 <> wrote:
> First of all: check if the problem is in your app or init.rc is not
> updated.
> I would start from something trivial - hello world should be enough.
> If it a simple app works then check all system calls if they are
> really supported in bionic, run your app from the command line, use
> gdb, etc.
> If it still doesn't want to start up from the init.rc then most likely
> you didn't update init.rc.
> When I updated init.rc in the device root folder and reboot it - the
> changes were lost (adb push didn't report any problem, the file looks
> updated but after reboot it returns back to the original version)
> You have to update init.rc inside the Android build tree, run make
> (which will recreate one of the img files) and then load the
> updated .img to the device.
> On Sep 20, 6:53 pm, archieval <> wrote:
> > I have a C program:


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