Just a few more notes.  If you don't use the "oneshot", you don't need
the fork() (init restarts the service if it fails).  This is not how
Unix/Linux services are written (one of the differences between
Android and Linux).

The reason you don't normally want to use "oneshot" is because Android
can kill processes when memory is low.  Any long-lived service needs
to be restarted if it gets killed.

On Sep 22, 12:53 am, archieval <archie.brio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem is in the init.rc, the app runs with no problem when
> manually executed/called in the shell. The init.rc inside the device
> cannot be edited because the original file stays in rom and will
> replace itself in the directory everytime the device reboots. And Yes
> Sir for all the method above, the fork process did not stay in the
> process list of ps. For the persistent "init: untracked pid 2194
> exited" I think it is called when the one of the app send SIGCHLD, and
> in the kernel code, this will kill process. Without the "oneshot"
> option in the service, android tries to restart it creating an endless
> loop of "init: untracked pid 2194 exited" messages.
> Now it is working though it looks redundant, I have found a way to run
> it by adding some more steps.
> Right below this entry in the init.rc script:
> service  console  /system/bin/sh
>     console
> I added my service:
> service  usbmount  /system/bin/sh  /system/bin/usb.sh
>     oneshot
> ------
> The the usb.sh contains this line only:
> /system/bin/usb_automount
> And it works! Yes rebuilding the whole android wastes time,
> fortunately someone in another forums reminded me not to delete/clean
> the precompiled object files so they will not be built again. I only
> used a script in rebuilding and I didn't noticed that it deletes all
> the object files everytime I run it. So now recompiling the ramdisk
> image with changes only on init.rc takes less than a minute. =)
> Thanks for the replies.
> Regards

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