Thanks for this added info!

On Sep 22, 11:27 pm, Brad Davis <> wrote:
> Just a few more notes.  If you don't use the "oneshot", you don't need
> the fork() (init restarts the service if it fails).  This is not how
> Unix/Linux services are written (one of the differences between
> Android and Linux).
> The reason you don't normally want to use "oneshot" is because Android
> can kill processes when memory is low.  Any long-lived service needs
> to be restarted if it gets killed.
> On Sep 22, 12:53 am, archieval <> wrote:
> > The problem is in the init.rc, the app runs with no problem when
> > manually executed/called in the shell. The init.rc inside the device
> > cannot be edited because the original file stays in rom and will
> > replace itself in the directory everytime the device reboots. And Yes
> > Sir for all the method above, the fork process did not stay in the
> > process list of ps. For the persistent "init: untracked pid 2194
> > exited" I think it is called when the one of the app send SIGCHLD, and
> > in the kernel code, this will kill process. Without the "oneshot"
> > option in the service, android tries to restart it creating an endless
> > loop of "init: untracked pid 2194 exited" messages.
> > Now it is working though it looks redundant, I have found a way to run
> > it by adding some more steps.
> > Right below this entry in the init.rc script:
> > service  console  /system/bin/sh
> >     console
> > I added my service:
> > service  usbmount  /system/bin/sh  /system/bin/
> >     oneshot
> > ------
> > The the contains this line only:
> > /system/bin/usb_automount
> > And it works! Yes rebuilding the whole android wastes time,
> > fortunately someone in another forums reminded me not to delete/clean
> > the precompiled object files so they will not be built again. I only
> > used a script in rebuilding and I didn't noticed that it deletes all
> > the object files everytime I run it. So now recompiling the ramdisk
> > image with changes only on init.rc takes less than a minute. =)
> > Thanks for the replies.
> > Regards


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