You should go somewhere with a better connection and do the git
operations (or pay someone with a better connection to do it for you)
and create a snapshot on a DVD Rom or removable hard drive or flash
stick.  It's going to be big.  There's an option to git that tells it
to only fetch the git objects, and not to expand them into a directory
tree - you'll probably want to use that as it substantially lessons
the amount of data you'll need to put on portable storage. Then you
can expand them when you put them on your machine.

On Nov 29, 2:13 am, amit <> wrote:
> How to compile android kernel 2.6.32 on my intel dual core processor
> and build image.
> I have dial up internet connection , so I can't use git clone
> git:// + project path. to suggest where to
> download a complete .gzip android kernel file like linux kernel.


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