Dear all,

I tried to porting the android in a new HW, but it seems that I cannot
do screen orientation even I changed the "android:screenOrientation"
parameter in Browser's manifest file after I boot up from new device.

I am a developer of application, and do not have much knowledge about
"how to do display orientation(landscape/portrait mode)." except call
setRequestOrientation() or change the "android:screenOrientation"

Can anyone give me some advice or tips where did the android do the
display orientation? It can finish this work just in "Skia library" or
I need to modify my HW's graphic driver to support it?

I trace the code to SurfaceFlinger and see it use Skia library to do
the rotation. Besides, I see goldfish_fb.c do the rotation, too. But I
cannot connect the Skia's code with low level's graphic driver
together. ><


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