On 30/05/2017 08:24, Alexey Melnikov wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> On 29 May 2017, at 02:57, Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>>>  Discovery Procedures
>>> In 6th para:
>>>   The cache mechanism MUST include a lifetime for each entry.  The
>>>   lifetime is derived from a time-to-live (ttl) parameter in each
>>>   Discovery Response message.  Cached entries MUST be ignored or
>>>   deleted after their lifetime expires.  In some environments,
>>>   unplanned address renumbering might occur.  In such cases, the
>>>   lifetime SHOULD be short compared to the typical address lifetime and
>>>   a mechanism to flush the discovery cache MUST be implemented.
>>> How can the discovery cache be flushed?
>> I think that's completely implementation-dependent, so what can we say?
>> (In the prototype, it's an API call.)
> I think you just demonstrated my point that some requirements are not very 
> clear whom they apply to. Passive voice is causing ambiguity here.
> I think I would like to see more text on what different possible alternatives 
> are and which entities need to implement the MUST.

In this case, I'm more inclined to simply delete the reference to flushing, 
because it's really part of a much more general problem: 
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7010#section-7 . The previous comment about the 
cache lifetime is sufficient.

[In fact, renumbering would be an interesting use case for autonomics, but 
that's a whole topic in itself.]



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