My sincere apologizes, I erroneously skipped one of the line for the 

Now everything is fine, as I stated in the first message, I am not a geek!


Il Giovedì 31 Ottobre 2013 11:18, stefano anile <> ha 
Hi Paolo, 

so I tried once again the procedure described here:

May be I am doing something wrong, I have really no clue. 

I also would like to highlight that when it is stated within the procedure : 
"Then add the lines for one of the repositories to your /etc/apt/sources.list 
file (see below to choose the appropriate one) and type......"
actually below there are not any repositories, may be they meant above (?). 

I resume what I have done so far to install the latest version of qgis in my 
Debian wheezy 7.2, may be it could be helpful to identify the mistake.

1) completely remove any previous packages related to the old version of qgis

2) add the repositories (deb-src wheezy main) to my 
source file

3) getting the key:
gpg --recv-key 47765B75
gpg --export --armor 47765B75 | sudo apt-key add -

4) getting the update and do the installation: 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qgis python-qgis qgis-plugin-grass

At the end, I still have qgis 1.7.5 :(

Any suggestion or tips will be much appreciated.

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