I forgot,

> *) I'm not sure why the kernel density estimation is plotted as
> lines... well I guess because are extracted with gdal_contour from the
> raster. But anyway as an area and perimiter is computed, it is also
> created a polygon of the same estimation? if yes, can this be added to
> the output? The problem with the (multi)line output is that if the
> user needs a polygon representation of the estimation then a series of
> steps are necessary: edit the vector layer to remove the inner lines
> with the "remove parts" edit tool, then use another tool to transform
> the closed line into a polygon.

are the computed "area" and "permiter" values just the ones of the
outer line (representing the kernel estimation)?

if yes, then if I covert the line into a polygon and re-compute the
values with qgis I get very different values.

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