Hello, you should provide the code you have tried and report what you
expect versus what you get.

But, I imagine the confusion probably comes from having data that is
longitude / latitude and wanting a cell size in metres? For that you
can use the adjust2longlat argument, which assumes units in

example(trip)  ## run example to get a dummy trip object

makeGridTopology(tr, cellsize = c(50, 50) / 1000, adjust2longlat = TRUE)

Does that help? The trip package is kind of a frozen snapshot from
olden times, it should really be updated to use the raster package and
make all this stuff far simpler and easier to understand. It used to
drive me absolutely crazy trying to specify a grid using the maximally
abstract GridTopology function, which is why I wrote
"makeGridTopology". The raster package is much better at all of this,
but still you have to know a bit about setting the right projection
for you data and so on. One day I'll update this, but not many people
ask about it - feel free to send suggestions/requests etc.

Be aware that the cell size from makeGridTopology is a compromise to
approximate a metres-based metric in long/lat - you should really
choose a map projection and do analyses in that. Let us know if you
want help with that.

Cheers, Mike (author of trip).

On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 7:26 AM, ELODIE CLAIRE MARIE CAMPRASSE
<ecamp...@deakin.edu.au> wrote:
> G'day everyone,
> I am trying to calculate time spent per grid fromages GPS data obtained on
> seabirds. I am confused about the MakeGridTopology function of the package
> trip. Instead of entering a number of cells with cells.dim, I would like to
> enter a distance - ie I want my grid to be of 50 by 50 m. I've tried playing
> with cells.dim and cellsize option but I am not managing to get what I need.
> Could anyone please clarify how to make such a grid? Cheers heaps!
> Elodie
> Sent from my Telstra Next G® device
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Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
Hobart, Australia
e-mail: mdsum...@gmail.com
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