
> Hello everyone,
>   I would use adehabitat in qgis to calculate hr method Kernel.
> The problem is that I found the functions to calculate HR MCP and Kernel
> Density Estimation but I can not find HR kernel.
> Can anyone help me figure out how to turn the HR function kernel?
> Thank you so much

to have all the tools show in the toolbox a couple of python libraries
must be installed,
unfortunately under Windows one of them (statsmodels) is not shipped
with the qgis installer (not even
as option in the -advanced- osgeo4w installer) so it must be installed
manually, not very easy but doable


the real problems comes after that as there are a number of unresolved issues


In QGIS/processing we had a pure R alternative, but it had to be
removed (hopefully temporarily)



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