On Saturday, 23 November 2013 07:41:09 UTC-8, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> As indicated, this isn't about setting the path, this is about configuring 
> sudo in ansible.cfg to include the full path to the sudo executable.
> This is the way this will need to be done as this all happens before 
> executing the module, hence using Ansible to set a path is not possible.
Yes, I did try setting it in ansible.cfg to:


The underlining question now is that does Ansible with the -U execute 
commands as if it was the following?

ssh [hostname] "sudo -u [username] '[command]'"

If it does - then I know that the root cause of the issue is because the 
sudoer config on my target systems is not setup to accept commands as so.  

Therefore I suggest for the future, some additional notes in the 
documentation for first-time Ansible users on requirements of how sudo 
setup (via visudo) on the target host would be recommended for people in 
organizations that do not permit them to have root access.

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