
I've been playing with Ansible for some time and I'm hitting the wall when 
it comes to re-usability. 
I find that Ansible requires me to duplicate many of my tasks just to cater 
that specific needs.
Maybe it's the lacking on my side. So, I hope you guys can kindly shed some 
light on this. 

I notice that the tasks are very 'strict'. Once we provide an optional 
param, the rest of the lists must provide it too. 

Say. I want to create two users:
      - users:
        - { name: test1, uid: 1234 }
        - { name: test2 }

Ideal case would be:
        - name: creating user
          user: name={{ item.name }} uid={{ item.uid }}
          with_items: users

    ie, I hope Ansible will be smart enough to ignore the optional 'uid' 
for 'test2' but it wont. 

The implication is big. Instead of creating a role name 'os_create_user' 
and passing "users" with the neeeded param as the var, 
I need to identify the needed users/param beforehand and create the same 
tasks for each. To put in short, I cannot create them dynamically. 

Worse,I cannot share it between different playbooks because of the 'strict' 
So, I ended up creating the same thing for other roles, this time with just 
an extra parameter. 

Actually thats some others that I'm having prob with, but I will keep it at 
that first. 
Many thanks in advance for any guidance on this. 

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