I have been building up a bunch of tasks for some standard configuration 
items.  I have the basic tasks all working perfectly for new installs for 
both AIX and RedHat/CentOs 6.  Now I'm testing against one of the older 
RedHat installs that we have (RedHat 5) and having to make some changes... 
 So far things have been going well until I got to configuring syslog.  On 
RedHat 6 I have to modify /etc/rsyslog.conf and restart rsylogd.  On AIX it 
is slightly different so I set variables in my current OS specific 
group_vars files RedHat and AIX...  On RedHat 5 most of the variables work 
perfectly for me, except /etc/rsyslog.conf becomes /etc/syslog.conf and 
rsyslogd becomes syslogd.  So I can easily modify the variables I'm using 
to take that into account.  But this means I need to set different 
variables for RedHat 5 and RedHat 6.  although most of the variables are 
the same.

So how would you suggest setting variables in this case?  I can split tasks 
out so I don't need to set variables, but then I have much larger task 
files that contain essentially the same steps. I'm trying to reuse as much 
as possible, but I'm at a bit of a loss here.

I was wondering if I could include a RedHat variable file into a RedHat5 or 
RedHat6 variable file but I can't see how to do it.

I could keep the tasks the same and have almost identical variable files 
with minor changes for RedHat 5 and RedHat 6, but that is still not as 
clean as I would like.

Any thoughts.


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