Just trying to understand: what is your proposed solution for, say 
'starting all EC2 VMs that match tag_env_prod in zone US-WEST-1'?

| Technically you can, however, use an inventory script and static data at 
the same time, as long as they are all in a common directory.  

PS.: BTW, I tried using multiple inventory files but it didn't work with 
ansible.cfg, only with the -i param.

On Sunday, March 9, 2014 4:12:25 PM UTC-7, Michael DeHaan wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Scott Anderson 
> <scottan...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> On Mar 9, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Michael DeHaan 
>> <mic...@ansible.com<javascript:>> 
>> wrote:
>> > In particular, if there are non-standard use cases, they are things 
>> that can be adapted and modified.   There are already a ton of people 
>> contributing to all of the inventory scripts.
>> >
>> > Still, they are in fact examples -- meaning people are also free to 
>> modify them if they want to add more groups and so on.
>> From the viewpoint of a CTO, I'm not interested in using and modifying an 
>> example if there is a way to get the same functionality in a supported 
>> fashion. As soon as I modify something like that for my own purposes, I'm 
>> walking down a path that leads to just doing it myself. It's not a great 
>> place to be from a maintenance standpoint. I use tools like Ansible to 
>> avoid precisely that situation. I'm happy to contribute, but only if by 
>> doing so I can get code into a community-maintained and supported path.
> Not understanding the titles part of the thing.
> Just seeing a hypothetical playbook example would help me understand quite 
> a lot, where right now I have gaps in understanding.
>> > I'd need to better understand use cases to see why this didn't fit.  It 
>> seems one of the best place to put data-driven information about existing 
>> instances.
>> >
>> > I'm also not sure what you mean about "increasing friction here" -- 
>> they are in fact inventory, so this is more of a discussion about not 
>> duplicating things that can be easily sourced from inventory.
>> One of my points is that everything else other than inventory is handled 
>> via modules; for inventory you're saying "here, do this another unsupported 
>> way with this example script". Inventory is somehow "special", and as a 
>> result it's not treated similarly to other resources in the infrastructure 
>> (such as RDS instances, ElastiCache instances, etc). Because it has an IP 
>> address and it's something that can be logged into, it's now handled via a 
>> completely different pathway.
> There are two types of things.
> There are things that are done and need to be, and then there are things 
> that are -- sources of truth and existence.   Inventory scripts are very 
> much like input, they don't express state, but they relate a ton of 
> information about what you have running.
>> I can already use add_host to perform playbook-internal additions to 
>> inventory. But there's no way within a playbook to query facts about 
>> existing instances: that has to be done at the start of the playbook with 
>> an external script, or by logging into every individual instance and using 
>> ec2_facts.
> I'm still curious why the inventory script can't just return this data.
> A playbook or deeper use case example would help me understand more.
>> Most of my play books are doing things via AWS and boto-related modules, 
>> not on hosts that are being accessed directly. I just want to be able to 
>> treat instances the same way as other resources from a consistency 
>> standpoint.
>> > Are you using ec2.py?
>> I have used it, yes. Given that I'm moving my infrastructure to an 
>> AMI-based stem cell approach, however, ec2 inventory doesn't really mean 
>> much any longer. Every instance is ephemeral and the only thing I really 
>> need to manage directly in AWS (apart from other AWS services) is a 
>> maintenance instance that is used to create an AMI.
> If doing AMI builds, I think the need to interrogate the instance would 
> actually be *reduced* for most people, as you'd just let the ASG take over.
>> Another major miss, however, is this: I need to update a set of machines 
>> not in ec2 with information about ec2 instances. So, my inventory file is 
>> going to be something other than ec2.py, but I want to automatically gather 
>> information about the relevant ec2 instances and do things to the local 
>> inventory with the results. I think this example most clearly demonstrates 
>> why constraining gathering inventory information to an actual inventory 
>> script is inconsistent with treating instances like other resources.
> Technically you can, however, use an inventory script and static data at 
> the same time, as long as they are all in a common directory.  

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