Using Ansible 1.5.3

I'm having some trouble with a situation where I have a variable that I'd
like to use in a template that uses "hostvars" but the variable in question
is calculated from facts.

I have a template that looks like this:

{% for host in groups['uat4-webapp']|sort %}
BalancerMember ajp://{{ hostvars[host].webapp_ip }}:8009 loadfactor=20
{% endfor %}

The "webapp_ip" variable is calculated like this in a group_vars file:

webapp_ip: "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"

When I compile the template above, it ends up looking like this:

BalancerMember ajp://{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}:8009 loadfactor=20

When I expected it to look like this:

BalancerMember ajp:// loadfactor=20

The reason for this "webapp_ip" variable as opposed to using the facts
directly is because I need it set to different things in different places
(one group of hosts has it at ansible_eth0.ipv4.address, another at
ansible_bond0.ipv4.address, etc).

Is this something that should work, or should I be looking to accomplish
this a different way?


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