
I am sure that I miss something obvious... but after having tried for a few 
hours, I just don't know where to look for a solution ...

I have the following playbook to create a new amazon instance and do a few 
things with it.
The instance is created correctly, but when I try to access to 
ec2_info.instances. private_ip variables, the playbook fail with an 
undefined variable error ...

Does any one have an idea?

Many thanks in advance.


** playbook:
- hosts:
  connection: local
  gather_facts: True
      keypair: mykey
      dnsdomain: aws.domain.com
      fqdn: "{{ hostname }}.{{ dnsdomain }}"

      - name: create a vm
            ec2_url: https://ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
            module: ec2
            image: ami-75342c01
            count: 1
            instance_type: m1.large
                - J2EE
                - default
            key_name: "{{ keypair }}"
            vpc_subnet_id: subnet
            user_data: "{{ hostname }}.{{ dnsdomain }}"
            instance_tags: '{ "QA": "group", "Name": "{{ hostname }}" }'
                - device_name: /dev/sda1
                  volume_size: 10
                - device_name: /dev/sdb
                  ephemeral: ephemeral0
                - device_name: /dev/sdc
                  volume_size: 25
            wait: true
            wait_timeout: 500
            state: present
        register: ec2_info

      - name: register DNS name
        command: dnsupdate.py -s localhost -k Kddnsupdate.key -x add {{ 
fqdn }} 300 A {{ ec2_info.instances.private_ip }}
        sudo: yes
        remote_user: user
        delegate_to: dns_server

      - name: add new instance to inventory
        add_host: name={{ hostname }} groups=ci hostname={{ fqdn }} 
ansible_ssh_host={{ ec2_info.instances.private_ip }} 
ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/{{ keypair }}.pem

      - name: wait for instance to start
        wait_for: state=started host={{ ec2_info.instances.private_ip }} 

** error message:

TASK: [register DNS name] 
fatal: [] => One or more undefined variables: 'list' object has no 
attribute 'private_ip'

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

** with a "debug=ec2_info.instances":

    "ec2_info.instances": [
            "ami_launch_index": "0",
            "architecture": "x86_64",
            "dns_name": "",
            "hypervisor": "xen",
            "id": "i-d43324",
            "image_id": "ami-7",
            "instance_type": "m1.large",
            "kernel": "aki-54425520",
            "key_name": "ContinuousQA",
            "launch_time": "2014-04-07T12:30:29.000Z",
            "placement": "eu-west-1b",
            "private_dns_name": "ip-172-16-4-127.aws.domain.com",
            "private_ip": "",
            "public_dns_name": "",
            "public_ip": null,
            "ramdisk": null,
            "region": "eu-west-1",
            "root_device_name": "/dev/sda1",
            "root_device_type": "ebs",
            "state": "running",
            "state_code": 16,
            "virtualization_type": "paravirtual"

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