I must also add that I've got a central group_vars/all file from which I 
pull all the variables like region, instance types, environment specific 
load balancer names, etc.

On Wednesday, 29 October 2014 04:02:19 UTC-5, Sankalp Khare wrote:
> Hi Renaud,
> I totally get what you are looking to achieve. Perhaps you've achieved it 
> already in the past year. Assuming that you are happy with specifying a start 
> index = x and a count = N to produce machines with names containing x, 
> x+1, x+2, ... x+N, I think the following playbook example will be 
> instructive. I had the same requirement and this is what I was able to 
> produce:
> # ansible-playbook create-web.yml --extra-vars "count=n startindex=x 
> env=production"
> # provisions n web servers in prod env with indices x, x+1, x+2, ... x+n
> ---
>   - name: "create and provision web servers in {{ env }} environment"
>     hosts: localhost
>     gather_facts: False
>     tasks: 
>       - name: launch instances
>         local_action:
>           module: ec2
>           key_name: "{{ launch_key.ec2_classic }}"
>           instance_type: "{{ instance.web[env] }}"
>           volumes:
>           - device_name: /dev/sda1
>             volume_size: 512
>             delete_on_termination: true
>           - device_name: "{{ ephemeral[0] }}"
>             ephemeral: ephemeral0 
>           - device_name: "{{ ephemeral[1] }}"
>             ephemeral: ephemeral1
>             # ephemerals are deleted by default on termination
>           region: "{{ region }}"
>           image: "{{ os.amazon.ami_id }}"
>           wait: yes
>           group: "web-{{ env }}"
>           count: "{{ count }}"
>           wait_timeout: 1000
>         register: created
>         tags:
>           - create
>       - name: write instance ids and public dns of the instances to local 
> hosts file
>         local_action:
>           module: lineinfile
>           dest: ./hosts
>           line: "{{ item.id }} {{ item.public_dns_name }}"
>           create: yes
>         with_items: created.instances
>         tags:
>           - create
>       - name: create identifier sequence for tagging
>         debug: msg="{{ item }}"
>         with_sequence: start="{{ startindex }}" count="{{ count }}" 
> format=%02d
>         no_log: true # mute output
>         register: sequence
>         tags:
>           - tag
>       - name: tag instances
>         no_log: true
>         local_action: >-
>           ec2_tag
>           resource={{ item.0.id }}
>           region={{ region }}
>         args:
>           tags:        
>             Name: "Web {{ env|title }} {{ item.1.msg }}"
>             Env: "{{ env }}"
>             Type: server
>             Function: web
>             OS: "{{ os.amazon.name }}"
>             Region: "{{ region }}"
>             ID: "{{ item.1.msg }}"
>         with_together:
>           - created.instances
>           - sequence.results
>         tags:
>           - tag
>       - name: update dns records
>         route53: >-
>           command=create
>           zone=yoursite.com
>           record=web.{{ item.1.msg }}.{{ env }}.server.yoursite.com
>           type=CNAME
>           ttl=300
>           value={{ item.0.public_dns_name }}
>           overwrite=true
>         with_together:
>           - created.instances
>           - sequence.results
>         tags:
>           - deploy
>       - name: register instances with load balancers
>         local_action: ec2_elb
>         args:
>           instance_id: "{{ item.id }}"
>           ec2_elbs: "{{ elb_names.web[env] }}"
>           region: "{{ region }}"
>           state: present
>           wait: no
>         with_items: created.instances
>         tags:
>           - deploy
>       - name: add instances to an in-memory group
>         no_log: true
>         local_action: add_host hostname="{{ item.public_dns_name }}" 
> groupname=fresh
>         with_items: created.instances
>         tags:
>           - create
>       - name: wait for ssh to come up
>         local_action: wait_for host="{{ item.public_dns_name }}" port=22 
> delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
>         with_items: created.instances
>         tags:
>           - create
>   - name: provision the instances
>     hosts: fresh
>     user: "{{ os.amazon.user }}"
>     vars:
>       user: "{{ os.amazon.user }}"
>     roles:
>       - common
>       - swap
>       - python
>     tags:
>       - configure
>   - name: summary of created instances
>     hosts: fresh
>     gather_facts: false
>     sudo: no
>     tasks:
>       - name: Get instance ec2 facts
>         action: ec2_facts
>         no_log: true # mute output
>         register: ec2_facts        
>       - name: Get resource tags from ec2 facts
>         sudo: false
>         no_log: true # mute output
>         local_action: >-
>           ec2_tag
>           resource={{ ec2_facts.ansible_facts.ansible_ec2_instance_id }}
>           region={{ region }}
>           state=list
>         register: ec2_tags
>       - debug: msg="{{ ec2_facts.ansible_facts.ansible_ec2_instance_id }} 
> | {{ ec2_facts.ansible_facts.ansible_ec2_instance_type }} | {{ 
> ec2_tags.tags.Name }} | {{ 
> ec2_facts.ansible_facts.ansible_ec2_public_hostname }}"
>     tags:
>       - create
> Yes, parts of it are *very* contrived, but it gets the job done the way I 
> want it to.
> @Others: Yes, the cattle model is the way to go, but while we're getting 
> there, ansible must still do what we want. And thus continue our Sisyphian 
> labours ;)
> On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 11:36:12 UTC-6, Renaud Guerin wrote:
> Nice tool !
> But your ssh example shows how a unique name is still unavoidable 
> sometimes, be it Tags or DNS based.
> If I left instances with their EC2 birth names, I couldn’t just make up « 
> ansible-ec2 ssh --name web1 » when I need to log into a web server, I’d 
> have to « ansible-ec2 list » first with a raw group name to find web 
> servers, then pick one and ssh into it.
> Also, some tools just rely on a nice hostname being set (the New Relic 
> server dashboard would be unreadable with ec2-xxxx host names all mixed up)
> RabbitMQ for instance, names its task queues after the current hostname 
> and warns against changing it. I know it’s bad practice and not autoscaling 
> friendly, but it’s just how it is in some occasions.
> So, I’ll forget about CNAMEs in Route53 but I think my original feature 
> request is still relevant : being able to pass a list of names to the EC2 
> module to be added to the Name tag of each created instance.
> If I submitted such a patch, would you guys merge it ?
> On 27 novembre 2013 at 16:38:31, Peter Sankauskas (pas...@gmail.com) 
> wrote:
> Actually yes. You can tag AWS resources and find them using tags. For 
> example, an Amazon Linux instance with tag Name=foo could be SSHed into 
> using 
>  ansible-ec2 ssh --name foo -u ec2-user
> You can find the code here:
>  https://github.com/pas256/ansible-ec2
> It uses Ansible's EC2 inventory plugin to do the lookup of public DNS name 
> (or whatever you configure it to).
> One further tip. In a distributed environment, debugging can be tough 
> because you don't know which server is causing issues. Get all of the 
> logging out of the instances and into some central and searchable location. 
> There are plenty of SaaS providers (Loggly, Splunk, Sumologic, Papertrail) 
> and open source (logstash, etc) options available.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Peter Sankauskas
> Answers for AWS <http://answersforaws.com>
> On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 6:48:35 AM UTC-8, Renaud Guerin wrote: 
>  Hi Peter,
> Very interesting talk and this is probably the better approach, thanks.
> You do need to address individual servers from time to time though : 
> ssh’ing into them to debug something, for instance.
> In this case, finding and copying the public_dns_name for a box sounds 
> like a pain, and a big usability regression from a human-readable naming 
> convention and DNS CNAMEs.
> Am I missing a clever way to use ansible to provide « vagrant ssh » 
> functionality basically ?
> Or do you know of any wrapper tools to do something similar ?
>  Just to belabor the point: 
>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQUdjPBJX5c
> On Sunday, November 24, 2013 10:34:39 AM UTC-8, Peter Sankauskas wrote: 
> Hi Renaud, 
> People that have been using AWS for a while don't really use it this way, 
> or at least, they shouldn't. Treat servers like cattle, not pets.
> If you haven't yet, take a look at AutoScaling Groups: 
>  http://aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/ 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Faws.amazon.com%2Fautoscaling%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHbyMw92ut0c-QkheWMVy34vCXxgw>
> ... and think about how to architect your application to run on dynamic 
> infrastructure.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Peter Sankauskas
>  Answers for AWS 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fanswersforaws.com&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFQbg6M0Bmr2rMpccgv3xl_aiQukg>
> On Saturday, November 23, 2013 8:55:34 AM UTC-8, Renaud Guerin wrote: 
>  Thanks Michael,
>  I know (and mentioned) I’ll need to use the route53 module, that’s not 
> the difficulty here.
>  I did some more research and it looks like ‘with_together' is what I was 
> looking for.
>  If anyone is looking to do the same (it's a quite common provisioning 
> pattern) :
>  - provide an « instances_names »  list
>  - create the required number of instances using the ec2 module, register 
> the result.
>  - Use ec2_tag, add_host and route53 for, respectively: setting the AWS 
> Name tag, adding the host to the inventory with its desired hostname (not 
> the default EC2 name), adding a CNAME DNS entry for hostname -> EC2 
> public_dns_name
>   -For each of the modules above, use « with_together »  to iterate 
> through both the created instances list (returned by the EC2 module), and 
> the hostnames list you provided. 
>  This would be slightly easier if the ec2 module would take an optional 
> « instances_names » list as a parameter; and used it to set different EC2 
> Name tags for each of the created instances.
>  I can look at adding this functionality if it’s likely to be accepted and 
> merged in. What do you think ?
> On 23 novembre 2013 at 16:38:27, Michael DeHaan (mic...@ansibleworks.com) 
> wrote:
>  http://ansibleworks.com/docs/modules.html#route53 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fansibleworks.com%2Fdocs%2Fmodules.html%23route53&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFTh6HnQAujtPzc-rzPWZkkzhvrKw>
> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Renaud Guérin <ren...@renaudguerin.net> 
> wrote:
>   On 21 novembre 2013 at 18:47:46, James Tanner (tann...@gmail.com) wrote:
>  > The EC2 module's docs show how to create several instances at once 
>  > using the "count" variable, and register the results into another 
>  > variable ("ec2"). 
>  > 
>  > You can then iterate on the created instances and do stuff (like add 
>  > them to an inventory group) using "with_items: ec2.instances" 
>  > 
>  > However, I can't figure out how to do the following : 
>  > 
>  > 1) Have the user provide a "names" list ( { "web1", "web2", "web3" } 
>  > ). Or better yet, a naming prefix ("web"), a count (3) and a start 
>  > index (1). 
>  > 2) Create them using the ec2 module, register results into "ec2" to 
>  > keep precious info like ec2.instances.public_dns_name. 
>  > 3) Here's the tricky bit : add a route53 DNS entry that CNAMEs 
>  > together each entry in the "names" list with the public_dns_name 
>  > values in "ec2.instances". 
>  Can you give an example for what you are trying to convey here? I'm a 
>  bit confused. 
>  Thanks for replying James,
> I’m trying to create a fleet of (for instance) web servers on EC2, and 
> would like to give them meaningful ansible hostnames (web1, web2, etc) 
> instead of the AWS generated public DNS names (
> ec2-xxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fec2-xxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFQ3DgG9MKPa_vN9SR9cR3eHWeSTA>
> )
> I’d also like to create a CNAME DNS record (using the route53 module) 
> pointing their chosen name (web1, web2, etc) to the EC2 DNS record (
> ec2-xxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fec2-xxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFQ3DgG9MKPa_vN9SR9cR3eHWeSTA>).
> The latter is accessible in the « instances.public_dns_name » 
> Ideally, I would just need to provide the ec2 module with a list of 
> hostnames for the instances it’s going to create (internally it just needs 
> to set the « Name » EC2 tag), and I’d get back the « item.hostname » 
> (web1,web2) alongside each « item.public_dns_name » (
> ec2-xxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com 
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fec2-xxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFQ3DgG9MKPa_vN9SR9cR3eHWeSTA>)
> when using "with_items: ec2"
> The more I think of it, the more it sounds like just a few changes are 
> needed in the ec2 module. I can try and have a go at it, but I’d like to 
> know if there’s something similar already.
>  --
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