I had the same problem and made the change below to fix the issue.  

On Monday, August 3, 2015 at 3:43:25 PM UTC-4, Michael Perzel wrote:
> I recently upgrade to ansible 1.9.2 and am now having issues with the 
> splatting. I looked at 
> https://github.com/cchurch/ansible/blob/e9b6aaf5d8836ce7ffdca855e006c2131fe19632/lib/ansible/runner/shell_plugins/powershell.py
> since that fixed it last time. THe only change that wasn't still there was 
> in powershell.py. I made the following change and it works now. I haven't 
> gone back to debug closer to see what the difference is.
> def _build_file_cmd(cmd_parts, quote_args=True):
>     '''Build command line to run a file, given list of file name plus 
> args.'''
>     if quote_args:
>         cmd_parts = ['"%s"' % x for x in cmd_parts]
>     #return ' '.join(_common_args + ['-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted', 
> '-File'] + cmd_parts)
>     return ' '.join(['&'] + cmd_parts)
> Before the change this was the output:
> TASK: [windowsDeploy | Call deploy.ps1] 
> *************************************** changed: [hostname] => 
> {"changed": true, "rc": 0, "stderr": 
> "C:\\Users\\l_ansible\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansible-tmp-1438627351.4-181936062454137\\\r\nwrapper.ps1
> : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 
> \r\n'installArguments'. Cannot convert the \"System.Collections.Hashtable\" 
> value of \r\ntype \"System.String\" to type 
> \"System.Collections.Hashtable\".\r\n + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) 
> [wrapper.ps1], ParentContainsEr \r\n rorRecordException\r\n + 
> FullyQualifiedErrorId : 
> ParameterArgumentTransformationError,wrapper.ps1\r\n \r\n", "stdout": ""} 
> I set the debug higher to see the splatted argument and verified it is a 
> correct powershell array/hash. I can fill out an issue at github but 
> thought this would be a good start.

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