
I am trying to do the following: 

Consul-template needs to generate a haproxy config, the consul template i 
want to be dynamic filled with Ansible. 
The consul template however is a Go template and unfortunately Go uses the 
brackets yaml uses. To be able to build a Go template ansible templates i 
am putting the Go syntax in a variable. 

My whole idea is to place all applications that i want consul to generate 
templates for in a variable file, and let these variables be used in a 
template i generate to generate the Go template for consul.

I got most of it to work, except for the fact that the variable is looping 
over the template instead of within the template. I suspect i need to do it 
all different. 

The task file main.yml: 
- include_vars: apps.yml

- name: "Place the Consul Template for haproxy"
  template: src=haproxy.ctmpl.yml dest=/etc/haproxy/haproxy-template.ctmpl 
owner=consul group=consul mode=0644
  with_dict: apps_gen
  when: "'load_balancer' in {{ group_names }}"

The vars file apps.yml:
    name: bridge-webapp
    name: bridge-webapp2

The defaults file: 
  - name: '# Frontend {{ item.value.name }}'
       - {{ item.value.name }}_acl

  - name: 'backend {{ item.value.name }}'
      - mode http{{'{{'}}range service "{{ item.value.name }}"{{'}}'}}
      - server {{'{{'}}.Node{{'}}'}} 
{{'{{'}}.Address{{'}}'}}:{{'{{'}}.Port{{'}}'}} check{{'{{'}}end{{'}}'}} 

The template file haproxy.ctmpl.yml:
{% for value in apps_gen %}
  {% for value in consul_template_frontend %}
      {% for config in value.config %}
      {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

{% for value in apps_gen %}
  {% for value in consul_template_backend %}
      {% for config in value.config %}
      {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

The result: 

      # Frontend bridge-webapp
              # Frontend bridge-webapp

     backend bridge-webapp
            mode http {{range service "bridge-webapp"}}
            server {{.Node}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}} check{{end}}
             backend bridge-webapp
            mode http {{range service "bridge-webapp"}}
            server {{.Node}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}} check{{end}}

The result i expected: 

     backend bridge-webapp
            mode http {{range service "bridge-webapp"}}
            server {{.Node}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}} check{{end}}
     backend bridge-webapp2
            mode http {{range service "bridge-webapp2"}}
            server {{.Node}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}} check{{end}}

What i see is that the loop is going over the template when i run the 
playbook, while i expected it to be within the template: 

changed: [loadbalancer] => (item={'key': 'app_bridge2', 'value': {'name': 
'bridge-webapp2'}}) => {"changed": true... 
changed: [loadbalancer] => (item={'key': 'app_bridge', 'value': {'name': 
'bridge-webapp'}}) => {"changed": true...

Can anyone help me? Im a bit lost, i really appreciate any help! I am 
currently thinking about registering the results and use that as a variable 
in the template, but it feels like im starting to play the lead role in 
Inception. This does not help readability

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