Hello Guys,

This has been probably solved before so apologies if this is a repeat. I
was confused about tasks in a include file being run even though the
condition for the include itself is not true.

so in my main.yml I have an include system like a switch kind of logique:

- include: this.yml
  when: include_this_enable|default(false)

- include: that.yml
  when: include_that_enable|default(false)

To my surprise I needed to also add the when conditions to this.yml and
that.yml for it to work before everything would run otherwise as shown in
here http://pastie.org/10392488

when this.yml has a lot of tasks this become difficult to do. How to
strictly run tasks in this.yml only base on a condition?

Thanks in advance

Best Regads,
Joseph Kodjo-Kuma Djomeda
check out my pains at : www.mycodingpains.com
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