I store the modules I need to deploy within Consul. It consist of both Perl 
and PHP modules so on our web servers I only want to install the modules 
associated with PHP. The following playbook works as long as there are TWO 
matching modules. In my test case I have two keys with one of them being a 
key related to PHP deploys. The error I get is:

fatal: [] => with_items expects a list or a set

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

If I remove the "when" clause and only have one key within Consul, it also 
works. How do I get around the error if I'm using a "when" clause and all 
that remainds within "deploy_list_result" is just one item?


  - consul_kv: host=indeploy001 action=get key=deploylist/{{ jira_ticket }} 
    register: modules_to_deploy

  - name: set fact
    set_fact: deploy_list="{{ item | replace("deploylist/" + jira_ticket + 
"/",'') }}-{{ lookup('consul_kv',item) }}"
    when: "'{{ item | replace('deploylist/' + jira_ticket + '/','') }}' in 
    with_items: '{{ modules_to_deploy.value }}'
    register: deploy_list_result

  - shell: sudo rpm -Uvh {{ rpm_repo }}/aria-{{ item }}.rpm --force --test
    with_items: "{{ deploy_list_result.results | 
map(attribute='ansible_facts.deploy_list') | sort }}"
    register: php_command_result

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