I'm working on a system that can run one playbook to launch some number of 
EC2 instances for any number of purposes. For example, a development, it 
might lauch & provision 2 web servers and 1 search server. In production, 
it might be even more specific and launch 2 api servers, 2 dashboard 
servers, 1 general web server and 1 search server. It's trying to be pretty 
flexible like that.

When launched, the instances are tagged in various ways. For example:

ManagedBy: Ansible
Environment: dev|stg|prd
Roles: web,api,dashboard,corp,search

Now I need to write playbooks that execute against existing servers and I'd 
like to be able to run something like this:

$ ansible-playbook -i development/ec2.py dosomething.yml --ask-vault-pass

And then, in my playbook, identify my hosts based on tags. In the simplest 
case, set hosts: <all servers whose ManagedBy tag is 'Ansible" AND whose 
Environment tag is "development">. Is it possible to set the hosts value 
based on multiple tags?

In a slightly different example, I may need to execute a set of roles/tasks 
only against a server whose role includes "api". This would mean parsing 
the "Roles" tag that is a comma delimited list of the projects installed on 
a given instance.

Am I asking dynamic inventory to do too much? Is this possible in this or 
any other reasonable way?


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