I think I'll open a new question for better visibility.

On Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 12:41:07 AM UTC-5, Suryaveer Chauhan wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> How can I check which user is logging into the remote?
> Below are the config parameters which has user details:
> *Ansible vars:*
>     [OSEv3:vars]
> *    ansible_ssh_user=centos*
> *    ansible_sudo=true*
> *Ansible.cfg*
>     [defaults]
>     hostfile = ansible_hosts
> *    remote_user = centos*
>     host_key_checking = False
> Is it something different from this? Sorry, this is first time I am using 
> ansible.
> I can ssh into the target system as "*ssh centos@ 
> <centos@>*" and I can then create files in /etc/ansible 
> folders.
> Meanwhile, I added sudo =yes and sudo_user = centos in the .cfg and 
> installation went ahead but now new error. Below is the log:
> TASK: [openshift_facts | Gather Cluster facts] 
> ******************************** 
> changed: []
> TASK: [openshift_facts ] 
> ****************************************************** 
> changed: [] => (item={'local_facts': {'public_ip': 
> u'', 'ip': u'', 'public_hostname': u'master', 
> 'hostname': u'', 'deployment_type': u'{# deployment_type #}'}, 'role': 
> 'common'})
> changed: [] => (item={'local_facts': {'console_url': u'', 
> 'api_url': u'', 'cluster_public_hostname': u'', 'public_api_url': u'', 
> 'public_console_url': u'', 'api_use_ssl': u'', 'api_port': u'', 
> 'console_port': u'', 'console_path': u'', 'cluster_hostname': u'', 
> 'console_use_ssl': u''}, 'role': 'master'})
> TASK: [Check status of external etcd certificatees] 
> *************************** 
> ok: [] => (item=master.etcd-client.crt)
> ok: [] => (item=master.etcd-ca.crt)
> TASK: [set_fact ] 
> ************************************************************* 
> skipping: []
> PLAY [Create temp directory for syncing certs] 
> ******************************** 
> TASK: [Create local temp directory for syncing certs] 
> ************************* 
> ok: [localhost ->]
> PLAY [Configure etcd certificates] 
> ******************************************** 
> skipping: no hosts matched
> PLAY [Copy the external etcd certs to the masters] 
> **************************** 
> *************************************************************** 
> ok: []
> TASK: [Ensure certificate directory exists] 
> *********************************** 
> skipping: []
> TASK: [Unarchive the tarball on the master] 
> *********************************** 
> skipping: []
> TASK: [file ] 
> ***************************************************************** 
> skipping: [] => (item=master.etcd-client.crt)
> skipping: [] => (item=master.etcd-client.key)
> skipping: [] => (item=master.etcd-ca.crt)
> PLAY [Determine if master certificates need to be generated] 
> ****************** 
> *************************************************************** 
> ok: []
> TASK: [set_fact ] 
> ************************************************************* 
> ok: []
> TASK: [set_fact ] 
> ************************************************************* 
> ok: []
> TASK: [Check status of master certificates] 
> *********************************** 
> ok: [] => (item=admin.crt)
> ok: [] => (item=master.kubelet-client.crt)
> ok: [] => (item=master.proxy-client.crt)
> ok: [] => (item=master.server.crt)
> ok: [] => (item=openshift-master.crt)
> ok: [] => (item=openshift-registry.crt)
> ok: [] => (item=openshift-router.crt)
> ok: [] => (item=etcd.server.crt)
> TASK: [set_fact ] 
> ************************************************************* 
> ok: []
> PLAY [Configure master certificates] 
> ****************************************** 
> *************************************************************** 
> ok: []
> TASK: [openshift_facts | Verify Ansible version is greater than 1.8.0 and 
> not 1.9.0 and not] *** 
> ok: []
> TASK: [openshift_facts | Ensure PyYaml is installed] 
> ************************** 
> ok: [] => (item=PyYAML)
> TASK: [openshift_facts | Gather Cluster facts] 
> ******************************** 
> ok: []
> TASK: [openshift_repos | assert ] 
> ********************************************* 
> failed: [] => {"assertion": 
> "openshift.common.deployment_type in known_openshift_deployment_types", 
> "evaluated_to": false, "failed": true}
> FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
> ******************************************************************** 
>            to retry, use: --limit @/home/suryaveer/config.retry
>            : ok=20   changed=2    unreachable=0   
>  failed=1   
> localhost                  : ok=8    changed=0    unreachable=0   
>  failed=0   
> Thanks a lot for your comment, at least, I moved further.
> Regards,
> On Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 7:09:34 PM UTC-5, Andrew Edelstein wrote:
>> It's not giving an error on your local system. That's telling you that 
>> whatever file your task is touching on the remote ("managed") system, the 
>> user that is running the command doesn't have permission to modify the 
>> file. So what this is telling you is that the user that is running the 
>> specific task (the user that logged into the remote machine, not the user 
>> that is running the ansible playbook) does not have permission to write to 
>> /etc/ansible. Check what user is making the connection on the remote system 
>> / what user it is logging INTO that system as, and if you need to add 
>> "sudo: yes" and/or "sudo_user: username" to the play. This applies EVEN IF 
>> ANSIBLE. IE: If you're running a play on "localhost", running ansible 
>> inside sudo doesn't change the user you're logging into localhost with, and 
>> thus what permissions that user has on localhost.
>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 5:57 PM, Suryaveer Chauhan <chauhan....@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am a newbie to ansible.
>>> I am following this blog 
>>> <https://albertomolina.wordpress.com/2015/10/13/openshift-3-on-openstack/> 
>>> to install OpenShift Origin V3 on OpenStack using ansible. But I am getting 
>>> error as below:
>>> * "Could not create fact file: %s, error: %s" % (filename, ex)*
>>> * __main__.OpenShiftFactsFileWriteError: Could not create fact file: 
>>> /etc/ansible/facts.d/openshift.fact, error: [Errno 13] Permission*
>>> * denied: '/etc/ansible/facts.d'*
>>> The target system is Centos and I can do passwordless sudo on the target 
>>> systems. I even added in /etc/sudoers
>>>  centos All=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
>>> to all the nodes and also on the system from which I am running ansible.
>>> From the system I run ansible, I tried executing as sudo, as root but 
>>> same results.
>>> I am not sure where it faces permission denied, I mean on the host or 
>>> the target systems.
>>> *Ansible vars:*
>>>     [OSEv3:vars]
>>>     ansible_ssh_user=centos
>>>     ansible_sudo=true
>>> *Ansible.cfg*
>>>     [defaults]
>>>     hostfile = ansible_hosts
>>>     remote_user = centos
>>>     host_key_checking = False
>>> Below is the full log:
>>>     root@ubuntu:/home/suryaveer# ansible all -m ping
>>> | success >> {
>>>         "changed": false, 
>>>         "ping": "pong"
>>>     }
>>> | success >> {
>>>         "changed": false, 
>>>         "ping": "pong"
>>>     }
>>> | success >> {
>>>         "changed": false, 
>>>         "ping": "pong"
>>>     }
>>>     root@ubuntu:/home/suryaveer# ansible-playbook 
>>> openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml
>>>     PLAY [Populate config host groups] 
>>> ******************************************** 
>>>     TASK: [fail ] 
>>> ***************************************************************** 
>>>     skipping: [localhost]
>>>     TASK: [fail ] 
>>> ***************************************************************** 
>>>     skipping: [localhost]
>>>     TASK: [fail ] 
>>> ***************************************************************** 
>>>     skipping: [localhost]
>>>     TASK: [fail ] 
>>> ***************************************************************** 
>>>     skipping: [localhost]
>>>     TASK: [Evaluate oo_etcd_to_config] 
>>> ******************************************** 
>>>     skipping: [localhost]
>>>     TASK: [Evaluate oo_masters_to_config] 
>>> ***************************************** 
>>>     ok: [localhost] => (item=
>>>     TASK: [set_fact ] 
>>> ************************************************************* 
>>>     ok: [localhost]
>>>     TASK: [Evaluate oo_nodes_to_config] 
>>> ******************************************* 
>>>     ok: [localhost] => (item=
>>>     ok: [localhost] => (item=
>>>     TASK: [Evaluate oo_nodes_to_config] 
>>> ******************************************* 
>>>     skipping: [localhost] => (item=
>>>     TASK: [Evaluate oo_first_etcd] 
>>> ************************************************ 
>>>     skipping: [localhost]
>>>     TASK: [Evaluate oo_first_master] 
>>> ********************************************** 
>>>     ok: [localhost]
>>>     TASK: [Evaluate oo_lb_to_config] 
>>> ********************************************** 
>>>     skipping: [localhost]
>>>     PLAY [Set etcd facts needed for generating certs] 
>>> ***************************** 
>>>     skipping: no hosts matched
>>>     PLAY [Create temp directory for syncing certs] 
>>> ******************************** 
>>>     TASK: [Create local temp directory for syncing certs] 
>>> ************************* 
>>>     ok: [localhost ->]
>>>     PLAY [Configure etcd certificates] 
>>> ******************************************** 
>>>     skipping: no hosts matched
>>>     PLAY [Configure etcd hosts] 
>>> *************************************************** 
>>>     skipping: no hosts matched
>>>     PLAY [Delete temporary directory on localhost] 
>>> ******************************** 
>>>     TASK: [file name={{ g_etcd_mktemp.stdout }} state=absent] 
>>> ********************* 
>>>     ok: [localhost]
>>>     PLAY [Set master facts and determine if external etcd certs need to 
>>> be generated] *** 
>>> *************************************************************** 
>>>     ok: []
>>>     TASK: [Check for RPM generated config marker file .config_managed] 
>>> ************ 
>>>     ok: []
>>>     TASK: [Remove RPM generated config files if present] 
>>> ************************** 
>>>     skipping: [] => (item=master)
>>>     skipping: [] => (item=node)
>>>     skipping: [] => (item=.config_managed)
>>>     TASK: [set_fact ] 
>>> ************************************************************* 
>>>     ok: []
>>>     TASK: [openshift_facts | Verify Ansible version is greater than 
>>> 1.8.0 and not 1.9.0 and not] *** 
>>>     ok: []
>>>     TASK: [openshift_facts | Ensure PyYaml is installed] 
>>> ************************** 
>>>     ok: [] => (item=PyYAML)
>>>     TASK: [openshift_facts | Gather Cluster facts] 
>>> ******************************** 
>>>     failed: [] => {"failed": true, "parsed": false}
>>>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>       File 
>>> "/home/centos/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1449035570.03-273189812167365/openshift_facts",
>>> line 6355, in <module>
>>>         main()
>>>       File 
>>> "/home/centos/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1449035570.03-273189812167365/openshift_facts",
>>> line 1222, in main
>>>         openshift_facts = OpenShiftFacts(role, fact_file, local_facts, 
>>> additive_facts_to_overwrite)
>>>       File 
>>> "/home/centos/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1449035570.03-273189812167365/openshift_facts",
>>> line 999, in __init__
>>>         self.facts = self.generate_facts(local_facts, 
>>> additive_facts_to_overwrite)
>>>       File 
>>> "/home/centos/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1449035570.03-273189812167365/openshift_facts",
>>> line 1013, in generate_facts
>>>         local_facts = self.init_local_facts(local_facts, 
>>> additive_facts_to_overwrite)
>>>       File 
>>> "/home/centos/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1449035570.03-273189812167365/openshift_facts",
>>> line 1194, in init_local_facts
>>>         save_local_facts(self.filename, new_local_facts)
>>>       File 
>>> "/home/centos/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1449035570.03-273189812167365/openshift_facts",
>>> line 924, in save_local_facts
>>>         "Could not create fact file: %s, error: %s" % (filename, ex)
>>>     __main__.OpenShiftFactsFileWriteError: Could not create fact file: 
>>> /etc/ansible/facts.d/openshift.fact, error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 
>>> '/etc/ansible'
>>>     OpenSSH_6.6.1, OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
>>>     debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
>>>     debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *
>>>     debug1: auto-mux: Trying existing master
>>>     debug1: mux_client_request_session: master session id: 2
>>>     Shared connection to closed.
>>>     FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
>>>     PLAY RECAP 
>>> ******************************************************************** 
>>>                to retry, use: --limit @/root/config.retry
>>>            : ok=6    changed=0    unreachable=0   
>>>  failed=1   
>>>     localhost                  : ok=7    changed=0    unreachable=0   
>>>  failed=0   
>>> I have no prior experience with ansible, therefore I am unable to debug 
>>> more.
>>> Thanks
>>> -- 
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