On 22.03.2019 19:49, John Harmon wrote:
> On Friday, March 22, 2019 at 11:23:15 AM UTC-6, John Harmon wrote:
>> You are right.... I switched to lineinfile sometime between yesterday and
>> today.  I switched back to replace due to your success (and I prefer to use
>> it as I believe it will replace all found instances).
>> Seems to be working now, however, one follow-up question regarding
>> backrefs.  I thought \1 replaced the content of group1?  Is that
>> incorrect?  The content that was replaced doesn't  fall in a group (sorry,
>> I lack experience with backrefs).
>> Here is my regex tester.  You can see the "full match" is replaced, and
>> not the "Group 1": https://regex101.com/r/jfGg83/4
> Oh, I think I misunderstood (as I suspected) how backrefs work with
> substitution.  I thought what was referenced was being replaced, when in
> reality it seems to just be putting back what we want to keep and just
> replacing the rest.

Yes, all the things matching the regexp: line will be replaced with the content 
of the replace: line.
Since nameservers: and address: shouldn't be discard/replace, the parenthesis 
around them make it so that we can reference them as \1 in the replace: line.

Kai Stian Olstad

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