Hello everyone,
I am a pretty new face to Ansible. I can follow instruction pretty good 
however, I need your help with the following scenario.
I created an .INI style inventory file called "hosts", with basically 
categorize our devices/servers in different groups like below




This inventory file is saved in ~/ansible/inventory/hosts
Playbook file (called play1.yml) is saved in ~/ansible/plabooks/play1: 
check for updates

I can ping the devices in [Windows] group using this command:
$ ansible -i ./inventory/hosts Windows -m ping --user admin --ask-pass

Now, I try to check for updates for just the devices/machines in [Windows] 
group, using this command:
$ ansible-playbook ./playbooks/play1.yml --user admin --ask-pass 
--ask-become-pass -i ./inventory/hosts Windows

It returns error that it does not know what devices/machines that I'm 
targeting at. In another word, it does not recognize my flag 
./inventory/hosts Windows

Could someone guide me how to make the proper reference to a specific group 
of the machines?

Thank you

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