On Wed, 15 Dec 2021 at 18:44, Vladimir Botka <vbo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's not possible to delegate a task to a group. Delegate to a host
> instead. Change the inventory. For example
>   shell> cat hosts
>   zabbixprimary ansible_host=localhost ansible_port=2235
>   zabbixslave ansible_host=localhost ansible_port=2236
>   [zabbix]
>   zabbixprimary
>   zabbixslave
> You should be able to delegate to the hosts. For example
>   - hosts: zabbix
>     tasks:
>       - shell: echo OK
>         delegate_to: zabbixprimary
>         run_once: true
>       - shell: echo OK
>         delegate_to: zabbixslave
>         run_once: true
> should work as expected
>   TASK [shell] *********************************************
>   changed: [zabbixprimary -> zabbixprimary]
>   TASK [shell] *********************************************
>   changed: [zabbixprimary -> zabbixslave]
> --
> Vladimir Botka

Interesting! And can I use the "delegate_to" command to more than one host
at a time?


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