Hey folks,

Not sure if I'm too tired today or what but I'm stuck on a relatively easy
task. Here's the thing:
I have a task which runs a command for each host in the inventory. For each
host, I will need to run this command as many times as elements in  "{{
hostvars[inventory_hostname]['hostgroups'] }}". However I'm getting the
list as literal on each loop, which is not what I want.

Here's the task and the output:

- name: 'Adding servers to each respective hostgroup'
    msg: 'echo command-hostgroup addhostgroup {{ inventory_hostname }} {{
item }}'
  register: '__r_tb_hostgroups_add'
  changed_when: false
    - "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['hostgroups'] }}"

TASK [ Adding servers to each respective hostgroup]
ok: [aaa -> localhost] => (item=['foobar_service_web',
'foobar_service_unstable']) => {
*    "msg": "echo command-hostgroup addhostgroup aaa ['foobar_service_web',
ok: [bbb -> localhost] => (item=['foobar_service_db',
'foobar_service_testing']) => {
*    "msg": "echo command-hostgroup addhostgroup bbb ['foobar_service_db',
ok: [ccc -> localhost] => (item=['foobar_service_app',
'foobar_service_stable']) => {
*    "msg": "echo command-hostgroup addhostgroup ccc ['foobar_service_app',

Any thoughts?


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