There is the sssd service for Linux that joins a Linux host to an AD domain. 
With that you can use properly credentialed adcli commands to manipulate AD 

Walter Rowe, Division Chief
Infrastructure Services Division

On Jan 2, 2024, at 3:06 PM, Todd Lewis <> wrote:

I'm slightly confused about what you are asking for.

It sounds like you are currently managing AD objects in an existing domain 
controller by using win_shell commands targeting that domain controller. So far 
so good.

The part that confuses me is "my target host will be localhost as it's linux" 
and "no dependency of windows target". Are you running a windows domain on 
linux with a linux host as the domain controller? Are we talking about a 
genuine windows domain here and not an IPA suite? (Although that would be 

Then I'm even more confused by "I am using AWX […] on [kubernetes]". Surely you 
aren't running your domain controller on the same host(s) as your AWX 

I'm not a windows domain admin — which may be painfully obvious from my 
confusion, displayed above. But if my guesses are correct, then the crucially 
important point is tucked away in these 
 "Notes" section:

  *   If running on a server that is not a Domain Controller, credential 
delegation through CredSSP or Kerberos with delegation must be used or the 
domain_username, domain_password must be set.

If you do get it working, please drop a followup message to this thread 
indicating what you needed to do. You surely aren't the only one with the issue.

On 1/2/24 2:01 PM, Thirumalai Raja A wrote:
Hi, gys

i have a task to manage AD objects like create, delete using ansible task right 
now i am using win_shell command module to run the command on windows target 
and creating AD objects. But I need to do it the same using an inbuilt ansible 
module like<> about my target host will be 
localhost as its linux so that no dependency of windows target any one can 
guide me on this.

I am using AWX tower to run the playbook and AWX is running on the K8 cluster.


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