On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 19:09, Tim Moss wrote:

There's a number of modules out there that are in varying states of
release - I've lost count of how many pure Tcl, pure C or hybrid session
management modules I found, before deciding to refactor the OpenACS version.
I too have written my own session management through filters and I would think a large number of developers have. For my sins I also have to develop sites in JBoss/Tomcat and one thing that is noticeable is that Tomcat has session management built in with authentication (through simple password files, db tables or LDAP) and authorisation through roles. These features are missing from the AOLserver API and I find that a bit strange given that its an application server and there can be very few applications which don't require some form of session, authentication and authorisation.

Having said that, writing the session filter was one of the most enjoyable bits of coding I've done in a while so perhaps I shouldn't complain although I possibly need to get out more. :)


Steve Manning - Linux Mandrake 9.0 - Gnome 2.0
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