It's not a threading issue. AOLserver 4.x opens the listen sockets for
all comm modules including nsopenssl, and the error message is coming
from the DriverThread function in nsd/driver.c when it attempts to
start listening on the port. The reason it says "nsopenssl" is, well,
because that's the name of the thread). I trust the error message
because it's coming from the OS; the driver code is very
straightforward. So my guess is that you really aren't root at start

Post the OS make, model and version (my guess is you're using Solaris),
the command line that you use to start the server and your nsd.tcl file
with any sensitive stuff removed. Also, make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is pointing to the right places.


On May 3, 2004, at 2:32 PM, Bart Teeuwisse wrote:

Hmm, I've changed the max/minthreads in ns/servers/server1 to no avail.
Scott, do you have any suggestions?


On Mon, 3 May 2004 02:49:47 -0400, Chris Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had a very very similar problem.

ns_param   maxthreads         5
ns_param   minthreads         5

with minthreads 0, (and sometimes 1 or 2) it exhibited the same

On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 02:02, Bart Teeuwisse wrote:
Notice: prebind: bound:
Notice: prebind: bound:
   3471:[02/May/2004:21:28:29][21728.1024][-main-] Error: nsopenssl:
to listen on Permission denied

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