Hi folks,

my flow :
this.addEvent('load', this.start);
   if no session we start the core with a random name
   else we restore all datas (sessid gamedatas) and the currentPipe
this.addEvent('ready', this.createTourney);
   if no gamename exists we promt a login with
      name and password , this i send to the server with the
      session id .
      {'SessionID':thisgetSessidvalue, ,'name':loginname,'pass':loginpass}
Ape.registerCmd('getInfo', true, function(params, cmd)
     on the server i use a
     SELECT to the users database and
     if success i
     UPDATE the userentry with the actual SessionID and
     save the sessid in
     after this i send it to client
{'name':sqlres.gamename,'level':sqlres.level );
this.onRaw('LoginResult', this.rawDataLogin);
       if (Gameuser) set the this.core.setSession({'sessionid':sesid});
       if (Gameguest) set Gamedata for Guest
       save Gamedata in client.user

for now i am happy with it ,
on the server side i have a sessionid to know the user
on the client side the same .

my question about this is :
i do not use the core.start(name:myname) to identify ,
cause i need to talk to the server already for the mysql check
i want a APE Mysql login . And the start name is be blocked for
45seconds if relogin (cookie delete) happens.

so is there a more easy way to do this ?
(that people dont steal a username or cheat it or have problem with
"name already in use" )

i dont want to use a php build script for this , and i realy dont know
how secure APE is,
Am i right to use my own layer to check the user is loged ?

i cant trust, what i not know

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