On Sun, 20 Aug 2000 18:39:00 -0500, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 04:04:22 -0500, "Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> On Sat, 19 Aug 2000 15:42:19 -0500, Clarence Verge wrote:

>>> ARACHNE is NOT the problem here ! The default MS-DOS 5 install is !

>> Hmmm... Welll, it takes two to tango ;-)

> Did someone say... "Tango"???
> (I love dance steps)

> Here's a simple little 3 step dance for you to try.

> At the DOS prompt, type each of these and then press the enter key.
> 1) set temp=c:\
> 2) echo deltree /y %temp% > ImSTUPID.bat

> Who's to blame in this little scenario?

> Am I to blame for showing you these steps?
> Or are you to blame for following them?

> Shall we dance??? ;-)
> "a-one, an-a-two, an-a-three......"

  Ok, Ok....
  Problem *for me* is this: Neither this comp nor its OS come with
instructions! I am a good student, but I'm not a mindreader. This
person, I can't even remember his name anymore, *may* have known

  I recently set up DOS and Arachne for a friend who has never owned 
a computer before. (%TEMP% is TEMP:-) Now, I drove across the state 
to buy a 418 page book on DOS, and I *still* am unable to write 
complex BAT's! 
  Perhaps everyone should be warned to take *classes* before attempting 
to run such a "user servicable" OS! I work on electronics, and have
serviced many large TV's while they run. Never been shocked-- know why?
Cause when I was 5 I saw Dad get bit by a 25,000 volt anode. I try to 
tell this to people who watch me and want to help-- OK, OK, I digress. 
  Moral of the story: 
  Experience is the *only* way we can learn! If you have it, spread it!
  Try, just try, to visualize all the knowledge that you have gained 
  about computers. Then try to imagine having 4 months worth of 
  fumbling, instead. (:-O 

  This what's-his-face that flushed DOS, he's a newbie. 
PS-- Clarence, you said something about having to un-install and
re-install A166 for Linux several times. Well...???

                       - Pete Randolph -
                 - Morristown Corners, Vermont -

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