Date: Monday, June 13, 2022 @ 19:59:32
  Author: dvzrv
Revision: 1237815

upgpkg: nextcloud-app-spreed 1:14.0.2-1: Upgrade to 14.0.2.

Remove custom detection code with shared boilerplate for nextcloud apps.


 PKGBUILD |  113 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD    2022-06-13 19:47:41 UTC (rev 1237814)
+++ PKGBUILD    2022-06-13 19:59:32 UTC (rev 1237815)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 pkgdesc="Video & audio-conferencing using WebRTC"
@@ -13,87 +13,52 @@
 checkdepends=(ripgrep yq)
-_get_nextcloud_versions() {
-  _app_min_major_version="$(xq '.info.dependencies.nextcloud["@min-version"]' 
"$_name/appinfo/info.xml"| sed 's/"//g')"
-  _app_max_major_version="$(xq '.info.dependencies.nextcloud["@max-version"]' 
"$_name/appinfo/info.xml"| sed 's/"//g')"
-  _app_max_major_version=$(expr ${_app_max_major_version} + 1)
+# BEGIN boilerplate nextcloud app version clamping, see also other packages in 
+# 1. Call respective function helpers in check() and package() *after* cd'ing 
to the source directory
+# 2. Add makedepends+=(nextcloud yq)
+_phps=(php7 php)
+_get_supported_ranges() {
+  _app_min_nextcloud="$(< appinfo/info.xml xq -r 
'.info.dependencies.nextcloud["@min-version"] | values')"
+  _app_max_nextcloud="$(< appinfo/info.xml xq -r 
'.info.dependencies.nextcloud["@max-version"] | values | tonumber | .+1')"
+  _app_min_php="$(< appinfo/info.xml xq -r 
'.info.dependencies.php["@min-version"] | values')"
+  _app_max_php="$(< appinfo/info.xml xq -r 
'.info.dependencies.php["@max-version"] | values | tonumber | .+0.1')"
-_get_php_versions() {
-  local _phps=(php7 php)
-  _app_min_php="$(xq '.info.dependencies.php["@min-version"]' 
"$_name/appinfo/info.xml"| sed 's/"//g')"
-  _app_max_php="$(xq '.info.dependencies.php["@max-version"]' 
"$_name/appinfo/info.xml"| sed 's/"//g')"
-  if [[ $_app_max_php != 'null' ]]; then
-    _app_max_php="$(echo $_app_max_php | awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2+1}')"
-  fi
-  _system_php=""
-  for _php in "${_phps[@]}"; do
-    if command -v "$_php" > /dev/null; then
-      if [[ -z "$_system_php" ]]; then
-        _system_php="$_php"
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
+_unsupported_range() {
+  printf "%s requires %s %s, but %s %s is provided.\n" "$pkgname" "$1" "$2" 
"$1" "$3"
+  exit 1
-prepare() {
-  find ${_name} -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +
-  find ${_name} -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +
+_nextcloud_app_check() {
+  _get_supported_ranges
+  for _php in "${_phps[@]}"; do command -v "$_php" > /dev/null && break; done
+  local _nextcloud_ver="$("$_php" <(cat 
/usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/version.php; echo 'print($OC_VersionString);'))"
+  local _php_ver="$("$_php" -r 'print(phpversion());')"
+  [[ "$(vercmp "${_app_min_nextcloud:-0}" "$_nextcloud_ver")" -le 0 ]] || \
+    _unsupported_range nextcloud "=> $_app_min_nextcloud" "$_nextcloud_ver"
+  [[ "$(vercmp "${_app_max_nextcloud:-999}" "$_nextcloud_ver")" -gt 0 ]] || \
+    _unsupported_range nextcloud "< $_app_max_nextcloud" "$_nextcloud_ver"
+  [[ "$(vercmp "${_app_min_php:-0}" "$_php_ver")" -le 0 ]] || \
+    _unsupported_range php ">= $_app_min_php" "$_php_ver"
+  [[ "$(vercmp "${_app_max_php:-999}" "$_php_ver")" -gt 0 ]] || \
+    _unsupported_range php "< $_app_max_php" "$_php_ver"
+_nextcloud_app_package() {
+  _get_supported_ranges
+  depends+=("nextcloud>=${_app_min_nextcloud:-0}" 
+  depends+=("php-interpreter${_app_min_php:+>=$_app_min_php}" 
+# END boilerplate nextcloud app version clamping
 check() {
-  local _app_min_major_version
-  local _app_max_major_version
-  _get_nextcloud_versions
-  _get_php_versions
-  local _nextcloud_major_version="$(rg "OC_Version = " 
/usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/version.php |cut -d'(' -f2| cut -d ',' -f1)"
-  if (("$(vercmp "$_nextcloud_major_version" "$_app_min_major_version")"<0)) 
|| (("$(vercmp "$_nextcloud_major_version" "$_app_max_major_version")">0)) ; 
-    printf "%s requires nextcloud >= %s/ nextcloud <= %s, but nextcloud %s is 
provided.\n" "$pkgname" "$_app_min_major_version" "$_app_max_major_version" 
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  local _php_version="$($_system_php --version |head -n1 |cut -d ' ' -f2 |sed 
-  if [[ "$(vercmp "$_php_version" "$_app_min_php" )" -lt 0 ]]; then
-    printf "%s requires php-interpreter >= %s, but %s is provided\n" $pkgname 
$_app_min_php $_php_version
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  if [[ $_app_max_php != 'null' ]]; then
-    if [[ "$(vercmp "$_php_version" "$_app_max_php" )" -ge 0 ]]; then
-      printf "%s requires php-interpreter < %s, but %s is provided\n" $pkgname 
$_app_max_php $_php_version
-      exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
+  cd $_name
+  _nextcloud_app_check
 package() {
-  _get_nextcloud_versions
-  _get_php_versions
-  depends=(
-    "nextcloud>=$_app_min_major_version"
-    "nextcloud<$_app_max_major_version"
-  )
-  if [[ "$_app_min_php" != 'null' ]]; then
-    depends+=(
-      "php-interpreter>=$_app_min_php"
-    )
-  fi
-  if [[ "$_app_max_php" != 'null' ]]; then
-    depends+=(
-      "php-interpreter<$_app_max_php"
-    )
-  fi
-  if [[ "$_app_min_php" == 'null' ]] && [[ "$_app_max_php" == 'null' ]]; then
-    depends+=(php-interpreter)
-  fi
   install -vdm 755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/apps/"
   cp -av $_name "$pkgdir/usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/apps/"
+  cd $_name
+  _nextcloud_app_package

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