On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
i found this annoying since, debugging is more harder, i have to download the resulted package to test it, send it, wait for the pool to come. is a mess :D

even if my system is compromised, we build our packages in clean chroots.

The workflow won't be changing much using a build server: you build and rebuild on your own system using a clean chroot, until you are satisfied with the result. Then you submit PKGBUILD to the build server and forget about it. 99% of the time the build will be successful, since it uses the exact same buildchroot you did, the package will be automatically signed with the arch-wide key stored safely in the server and will be submitted to the repo. 1% of the time something bad happens in the process and you get notified by email...

I think the idea of build server is only positive, if we somehow find the equipment needed. :-)


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