On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Rafael Beraldo
<rafaelluisbera...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/7/29 Madhurya Kakati <mkakati2...@gmail.com>
>> how do i get the playlist for shoutcast?
> You will need the URL of the streaming. For instance, if you need to listen
> to bebop you will go to this page http://www.shoutcast.com/radio/Bop. It has
> a list of radios that play bebop. You choose one and then you copy its URL
> with your mouse, by clicking right and then “copy url” or something like
> that. To listen to jazzradio.com, you would run:
> $ mplayer -playlist
> http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.pls?id=1378050
> Quite straightforward, isn't it?
> --
> Rafael Beraldo
> http://cabaladada.org

it is but getting the link is hard. anyways got one link listening to it now. :)

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