On 13/08/10 21:30, Sergej Pupykin wrote:
At Fri, 13 Aug 2010 17:20:32 +1000,
Allan McRae wrote:

On 04/08/10 15:37, Andreas Radke wrote:
New version is in testing without a homedir for the mailman user. Please
try to upgrade from last version in our extra repo. Tell us if I broke

Has anybody tested the version of mailman in [testing]?   This will need
to be moved before the python rebuild starts so any reports of
successful updates would be good to have.

Hello, Allan,

It works for me, but it would be good if you swap
/etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py and /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py

/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py should point to /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py

> Because of currently
> tar czf etc.tar.gz /etc
> does not backup mailman configuration.

This is in the PKGBUILD:
# Create a link so that the config file mm_cfg.py appears in config
# directory /etc/mailman. We don't put mm_cfg.py in the config directory
# because its executable code (python file) and the security policy wants
# to keep executable code out of /etc and inside of a lib directory instead,
# and because traditionally mm_cfg.py was in the Mailman subdirectory and
# experienced mailman admins will expect to find it there. But having it
# "appear" in the config directory is good practice and heading in the
# right direction for FHS compliance.

So it is a deliberate choice to put it there. Fedora also does things that way. Debian and Gentoo do it the opposite.

So I am not sure what is the best here. Could you just use -h with your tar?


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