On 01/07/2012 05:57 PM, Peter Lewis wrote:
> On Saturday 07 Jan 2012 16:14:46 Ionut Biru wrote:
>> we don't have any packages with capital letters in name. that's a rule
> % pacman -Slq core extra community |grep "[A-Z]"
> libreoffice-ca-XV
> libreoffice-en-GB
> libreoffice-en-US
> libreoffice-en-ZA
> libreoffice-pa-IN
> libreoffice-pt-BR
> libreoffice-sa-IN
> libreoffice-sw-TZ
> libreoffice-zh-CN
> libreoffice-zh-TW
> :-p

damn, open a bug report :D


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