I'm not sure how that is supposed to be done (correctly).  But I did


and then tried:
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache (and)
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor (and even)
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -v /usr/share/icons/hicolor

all with no apparent results.  (Hope I didn't mess up my system)!

I am surprised, since I thought Cinnamon was based upon Gnome 3.

So,  still have to restart Cinnamon to have programs appear in the menu.
Not a major problem, but annoying nonetheless.

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 1:51 AM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@rocketmail.com>

> On Mon, 28 Dec 2015 19:04:07 -0500, Francis Gerund wrote:
> >I am running Arch 64-bit, with the Cinnamon desktop environment.
> >
> >When I install an application program, it does not show up in the
> >Cinnamon main menu until I restart Cinnamon.  Then, there it is.  Is
> >this a known bug, or is it a "feature"?
> >
> >And is there a way to fix it so that added programs show up in the menu
> >without restarting Cinnamon?
> What happens if you update the gtk icon cache?

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