Thanks -- is the ideas list posted somewhere now?  I'm going to have to
point to a URL in this Google Application (the one that needs to be
submitted today :-) ).

The list doesn't have to be final, of course; we can continue to add to
it after submission.  Also, it's a win whenever an item on the list
references an issue in the tracker, FWIW.


Dennis Wuthrich <> writes:
>Yiannis has laid out some interesting ideas for a SoC effort. Here are
>a few additionaI ideas that aim at some very specific enhancements to
>> Develop a workflow for uploading a GIS shapefile to Arches. A basic
>version of this would allow Arches users to upload a shapefile (with a
>pre-defined set of attributes). A more advanced version of the
>workflow might include a UI to map an "arbitrary" set of shapefile
>attributes to a particular set of entities in a graph.
>> Extend Arches GIS digitizing tools to include more sophisticated
>geometries (e.g.: multi polygons, polygons with holes) and the
>associated metadata for geospatial data.
>> Allow direct upload of GPS data to Arches. This workflow could allow
>a user to upload a gpx file to define the geometries for a specific
>> Build a "User Settings" page that will allow people to save their
>preferences for things like 
>> Incorporate the CIDOC CRM (perhaps as a plugin) to Gephi to better
>support the ability to create graphs for inclusion in Arches
>> Make the Arches Administrative interface, used to configure various
>Arches variables and settings, more user friendly
>> Extend the current model for representing cultural periods to a more
>spatial-temporal representation. For example, providing better support
>for distinguishing the distinction in time and space for "Iron Age"
>(the time and extent of this concept varies depending on where you
>are. It represents different times in Australia, Greece, and Germany).
>> Work on representing Arches' geospatial data using a richer set of
>CRM classes. Gerald Hiebl is working on extending the CRM for GIS
>data, this task could work on incorporating his ideas into Arches.
>This might be an interesting effort for people who are into ontologies
>and rdf.
>- Dennis
>On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 6:01:19 PM UTC-8, Yiannis Avramides
>    Dennis and Alexei no doubt have already given this more thought
>    than I have, and there is a set of items marked "Advanced Search"
>    currently on the issue tracker. Some are minor and even cosmetic,
>    but others represent bigger improvements. Re: temporal search in
>    particular, there are several things to say and others may add:
>    * There are multiple dates that can be associated with Resource
>    (e.g. by specifying the bounds of a related cultural period, by
>    recording a date obtained from an absolute dating method, 
>    and even the date when a condition was observed or when a building
>    received legal protection). A way (and a design) for searching
>    across or within these different pieces of information would be a
>    good feature. An example of a search that would have obvious
>    relevance for users would be a search for resources (maybe of a
>    certain period) that have not been inspected since a certain date.
>    I can probably think of others.
>    * A way to search for resources (and it's probably more helpful to
>    think about searching for Activities and not Heritage Resources)
>    before/after a certain date, or that were ongoing throughout a
>    time period, etc. would also be a good feature.
>    * On the UI side, there is an old mockup that shows a set of
>    sliders, and perhaps someone has a link to another web app where
>    this has been implemented. 
>    * The project would probably have something to do also with how
>    time is represented in the CRM.
>    I hope this helps a bit.
>    Yiannis
>    On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:17:59 PM UTC-5, Karl Fogel wrote:
>    Yiannis Avramides <> writes: 
>        >As has been said recently, some new development in the future
>        will 
>        >concentrate on Advanced Search during the LA customization,
>        but there 
>        >probably are parts of Advanced Search that could be
>        profitably carved 
>        >out for an effort like this, either because they are
>        self-contained or 
>        >because they are features that are not required by this
>        particular 
>        >dataset and implementation but would otherwise be useful. For
>        example, 
>        >one component might be a more robust temporal search that can 
>        >integrate different ways of representing time and time
>        intervals, and 
>        >perhaps across Resource Types (I am thinking about Activities
>        in 
>        >particular). Koen, you might have something to add since I
>        think this 
>        >was/is a research interest of yours. I'm sure others have
>        thoughts on 
>        >this too. 
>        This sounds like it might be a good SoC-sized project... could
>        you flesh 
>        it out a bit more? (Give some examples of the kinds of
>        temporal 
>        searches you mean, etc?) 
>        Dennis et al are compiling our SoC Ideas List right now (the
>        Ideas List 
>        is actually part of our application, so this step is not just
>        for fun), 
>        but they're watching followups here of course. 
>        >And perhaps it's also worth looking at the Roadmap, since as
>        Rainer 
>        >pointed out there are some missing items that didn't make it
>        into v. 
>        >1.0. Import/export functions might be interesting
>        possibilities, for 
>        >example. 
>        +1, yup. 
>        -K 

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