You were right, that has worked.

On Tuesday, 13 October 2020 at 09:27:06 UTC+1 wrote:

> Gabriel,
> It looks like *function_certainty *and *place_function *are on the same 
> tile/card (Heritage Place Function Assignment). This means that you only 
> need to join to that tile once.
> SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid,
>     tv1.tileid,
>     tv1.resourceinstanceid,
>     tv1.nodeid,
>     tv1.geom,
>     name_tile.tiledata ->> '34cfe9dd-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text AS 
> name,
>     btrim(btrim(btrim(country_tile.tiledata ->> 
> '34cfea43-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text, '['::text), ']'::text), 
> '"'::text) AS country,
>     eamenaid_tile.tiledata ->> 
> '34cfe992-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text AS eamena_id,
>     btrim(btrim(btrim(*func_assignment_tile*.tiledata ->> 
> '34cfea4a-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text, '['::text), ']'::text), 
> '"'::text) AS place_function,
>     jsonb_array_elements(resourceid_tile.tiledata -> 
> '34cfea8a-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) ->> 'resourceId'::text AS 
> resourceid,
>     *func_assignment_tile*.tiledata ->> 
> '34cfea7d-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text AS function_certainty
>    FROM test_view_1 tv1
>      LEFT JOIN tiles *func_assignment_tile *ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
> func_assignment_tile.resourceinstanceid -- < JOIN ONCE - 
> replaces funxcertainty_tile and purpose_tile 
>      LEFT JOIN tiles resourceid_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
> resourceid_tile.resourceinstanceid
>      LEFT JOIN tiles eamenaid_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
> eamenaid_tile.resourceinstanceid
>      LEFT JOIN tiles country_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
> country_tile.resourceinstanceid
>      LEFT JOIN tiles name_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
> name_tile.resourceinstanceid
>   WHERE (country_tile.tiledata ->> 
> '34cfea43-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL 
>   AND (name_tile.tiledata ->> 
> '34cfe9dd-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL 
>   AND (eamenaid_tile.tiledata ->> 
> '34cfe992-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL 
>   AND (*func_assignment_tile*.tiledata ->> 
> '34cfea4a-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL -- < 
> place_function
>   AND (*func_assignment_tile*.tiledata -> 
> '34cfea7d-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL; -- < 
> function_certainty
> I've not been able to try this as I don't have your model. I've only been 
> able to go on the picture.
> Thanks
> Andy
> On Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 8:46:48 AM UTC+1 
> wrote:
>> Thanks for your answer,
>> this is the SQL to generate first view which answer the UUIDS:
>> SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid,
>>     tv1.tileid,
>>     tv1.resourceinstanceid,
>>     tv1.nodeid,
>>     tv1.geom,
>>     name_tile.tiledata ->> '34cfe9dd-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text 
>> AS name,
>>     btrim(btrim(btrim(country_tile.tiledata ->> 
>> '34cfea43-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text, '['::text), ']'::text), 
>> '"'::text) AS country,
>>     eamenaid_tile.tiledata ->> 
>> '34cfe992-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text AS eamena_id,
>>     btrim(btrim(btrim(purpose_tile.tiledata ->> 
>> '34cfea4a-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text, '['::text), ']'::text), 
>> '"'::text) AS place_function,
>>     jsonb_array_elements(resourceid_tile.tiledata -> 
>> '34cfea8a-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) ->> 'resourceId'::text AS 
>> resourceid,
>>     funxcertainty_tile.tiledata ->> 
>> '34cfea7d-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text AS function_certainty
>>    FROM test_view_1 tv1
>>      LEFT JOIN tiles funxcertainty_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
>> funxcertainty_tile.resourceinstanceid
>>      LEFT JOIN tiles resourceid_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
>> resourceid_tile.resourceinstanceid
>>      LEFT JOIN tiles eamenaid_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
>> eamenaid_tile.resourceinstanceid
>>      LEFT JOIN tiles country_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
>> country_tile.resourceinstanceid
>>      LEFT JOIN tiles name_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
>> name_tile.resourceinstanceid
>>      LEFT JOIN tiles purpose_tile ON tv1.resourceinstanceid = 
>> purpose_tile.resourceinstanceid
>>   WHERE (country_tile.tiledata ->> 
>> '34cfea43-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL 
>>   AND (name_tile.tiledata ->> 
>> '34cfe9dd-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL 
>>   AND (eamenaid_tile.tiledata ->> 
>> '34cfe992-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL 
>>   AND (purpose_tile.tiledata ->> 
>> '34cfea4a-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL 
>>   AND (funxcertainty_tile.tiledata -> 
>> '34cfea7d-c2c0-11ea-9026-02e7594ce0a0'::text) IS NOT NULL;
>> And thsi one to display the values:
>>  SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid,
>>     tv2.geom,
>>     country.value AS country,
>>     tv2.eamena_id,
>>     purpose.value AS place_function,
>>     funxcertainty.value AS function_certainty
>>    FROM test_view_2 tv2
>>      LEFT JOIN "values" funxcertainty ON tv2.function_certainty = 
>> funxcertainty.valueid::text
>>      LEFT JOIN "values" country ON = country.valueid::text
>>      LEFT JOIN "values" purpose ON tv2.place_function = 
>> purpose.valueid::text;
>> Thanks in advance for any tip and help provided.
>> Best regards,
>> On Monday, 12 October 2020 at 11:05:57 UTC+1 
>> wrote:
>>> Post your SQL here and we can take a look. I suspect that the way you 
>>> are joining things means you are creating view containing all variations 
>>> across tiles rather than per tile.
>>> On Friday, October 9, 2020 at 10:54:16 AM UTC+1 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have found this issue when exporting form arches to postgresql and 
>>>> creating views.
>>>> I have created a feature and one of the fields has multiple 
>>>> characteristic:
>>>> So at e the same time can be different utilities and the certainty can 
>>>> vary (defensive - High, domestic - low and fishing - negligible) as 
>>>> example.
>>>> [image: Screenshot from 2020-10-09 10-08-05.png]
>>>> but what I get when creating the view and running the queries is that 
>>>> create a domestic low high and negligible, a fortification low high and 
>>>> negligible and a hunting high, low and negligible for the same feature:
>>>> [image: Screenshot from 2020-10-09 10-10-03.png]
>>>> Do someone know why is this happening and how can be resolved this 
>>>> issue? 
>>>> Thank you very much in advance

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