Well worth reading, thanks. One should read the NYT before accusing Keynesians to have become economists! I would still think that we heard the Krugmans less that we could have expecetd.
One interesting thing in Krugman's letter is his model of government. He says something like, "It's too bad, but politicians may not be as altruist as I would want them to be (and as I am myself)."

At 14:50 16/09/01, you wrote:
on 9/16/01 12:27 PM, Pierre Lemieux at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks, but where?


> At 13:04 16/09/01, you wrote:
>> Pierre Lemieux wrote:
>>> Following Tuesday's tragic events, isn't it surprising that we don't
>>> hear much the Keynesian argument that repairs and reconstruction
>>> (plus, presumably, military purchases) will boost "aggregate demand"
>>> and pull the economy out of the recession it was drifting into? We
>>> even did not have to dig holes and refill them to boost aggregate
>>> demand as Keynes would have suggested, for some barbarians did the
>>> first part for us.
>> Paul Krugman already has said this!
>> --
>> Prof. Bryan Caplan
>> Department of Economics      George Mason University
>> http://www.bcaplan.com     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> "'When a man thinks he's good - *that's* when he's rotten.  Pride is
>> the worst of all sins, no matter what's he's done.'
>> 'But if a man knows that what he's done is good?'
>> 'Then he ought to apologize for it.'
>> 'To whom?'
>> 'To those who haven't done it.'"
>> -- Ayn Rand, *Atlas Shrugged*
> C.P. 725, Tour de la Bourse, Montréal, Canada  H4Z 1J9
> http://www.pierrelemieux.org
> PGP Key: 0xBDFFCD16
> Fingerprint: CF3E 4A3F 57AB 8AB2 88FB  A1D8 C83D 2E15 BDFF CD16

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Fingerprint: CF3E 4A3F 57AB 8AB2 88FB  A1D8 C83D 2E15 BDFF CD16

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