finally i heard the papu cant dance song online and yes its terrific.. the
additional programming for the song is just terrific.. blaze and vasundra
are just magnificient in the song. the beat changes to dolak beat at a place
with vasundra and blazze crooning at their own steaming pace.. WOW!!!
typical rahmanical touch to the song.. m gonn dance with my friends while
watching this song in the movie.. :)
love ARRs execution throughout the song. m a huge fan of fast numbers esp
when it is party numbers.. after fanah from yuva, this song will join my
league of dance numbers.. hey baby song from ATM was a good party number but
it was quite slow in pace.

after boys, a complete album for youth and equally on the other side, ADA is
deep in music soul.

OMG! only ARR can create every genre in music..

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