RS0, RS1 may be required for SFPs (not SFP+) with selectable speed, so I'd
connect them as well to the FPGA.

On 24 July 2016 at 22:31, j arl <> wrote:

> Thanks Greg. That clears things up. Let's choose SFP+ electrical for the
> layout. But to start we will use WhiteRabbit compatible SFP transceivers.
> This clears the way for testing higher speed transceivers in the future.
> I'd like to update the IO count on the microTCA hardware spreadsheet to
> accurately reflect the low-speed IO requirements of SFP+ support
> ​ -- see NOTE8​
> . By my count it looks like 3
> ​LVTTL ​
> IO per SFP.
> ​
> ​I'm looking at the
>  SFF Specification
>  "The SFP+ low speed electrical interface has several enhancements over
> the classic SFP interface (INF-8074i), but the SFP+ host can be designed to
> also support most legacy SFP modules. "
> low-speed IO to support for ARTIQ
> signal name
> function
> level
> routed to FPGA?
> Tx_Disable
> Transmitter Disable; Turns off transmitter laser output ; When Tx_Disable
> is asserted low or grounded the module transmitter is operating normally.
> yes
> 2-wire Serial Interface Data Line, I2C
> yes
> 2-wire Serial Interface Clock, I2C
> yes
> RS0 and RS1
> Rate Select 0, optionally controls SFP+ module receiver. RS0 and RS1 are
> module inputs and are pulled low to VeeT with > 30 kΩ resistors in the
> module. RS0 optionally selects the optical receive signaling rate coverage.
> RS1 optionally selects the optical transmit signaling rate coverage. The
> host and module may choose to use either, both, or none of these functions.
> no
> no
> Tx_Fault
> is a module output that when high, indicates that the module transmitter
> has detected a fault condition related to laser operation or safety. If
> Tx_Fault is not implemented, the Tx_Fault contact signal shall be held low
> by the module and may be connected to Vee within the module.
> no
> Rx_los
> The Rx_LOS signal is intended as a preliminary indication to the host in
> which the module is installed that the received signal strength is below
> the specified range. If the Rx_LOS function is not implemented, or is
> reported via the two-wire interface only, the Rx_LOS contact shall be held
> low by the module and may be connected to Vee within the module.
> no
> ​
> -------
> Joe Britton
> Sensors and Electron Devices
> Army Research Lab
> 2800 Powder Mill Rd
> Adelphi, MD 20783
> 301-394-3130
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 8:04 AM, Grzegorz Kasprowicz <>
> wrote:
>> On 19 July 2016 at 17:47, j arl <> wrote:
>>> Greg, Others, Thinking about using SFP+ on new hardware (Sayma,
>>> Metlino). If SFP+ is backward compatible with SFP, m-labs could
>>> attempt DRTIO using SFP+ transceivers and fall back to
>>> WhiteRabbit-approved SFP as backup [1]. Please confirm the following.
>>> SFP+ supports higher bandwidth (16 Gb/s) than does SFP (4.25 Gb/s)
>> Yes
>>> SFP+ is mechanically backward compatible with SFP. That is, SFP
>>> transceivers can be plugged into SFP+ cages and fit properly. [0]
>> yes, The only difference between SFP and SFP+ is that SFP+ have I2C
>> interface while SFP mode is selected by MODDEF pins. Once you connect these
>> MODDEF pin to the FPGA, it doesn't matter if you plug SFP or SFP+
>> But in most cases you don't have to use this interface and simply leave
>> pullups.
>> I2C is useful in case of multi-speed SFPs or when you need to detect
>> certain transceiver type - each SFP has small EEPROM inside.
>>> SFP+ is electrically backward compatible with SFP. That is, SFP
>>> transceivers can be plugged into SFP+ cages and work properly.
>> yes
>>> Note that ARTIQ does care about deterministic propagation delay across
>>> the transceivers. But the delay can be different from the WR standard
>>> delay. -Joe
>>> [0]
>>> [1]
>>> -------
>>> Joe Britton
>>> Sensors and Electron Devices
>>> Army Research Lab
>>> 2800 Powder Mill Rd
>>> Adelphi, MD 20783
>>> 301-394-3130
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