hey now, dont knock seaside.  i had a great summer last year -grins-.  but i have an understanding of what you might consider bad about the place.  i dont think the fishmans ever said 100% of the boadwalk would be year round retail.  i think he said there would be some seasonal places too, around the beach club area.  if you look at a place like seaside, or even point pleseant.  they have a few clubs on teh boardwalk that are always open.  "jenks club" for example.   so again, depending on what direction they go in with this "entertainment/retail" it might work out.  if they have places like that.  another interesting thought.  they had  lots of talk, about making the boardwalk buildings accessable from both sides.  the boardwalk and ocean ave.  if thats the case.  any year round retail on the boardwalk COULD survive.  you woudlnt have to set foot on the boardwalk.  it would just be like parking your car on the side of the road, and going inside.  like any other store.  another thought to look out for..

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