Neighborhood not a slum

How dare Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider call my neighborhood a slum â particularly when any lack of improvement is due to the city itself designating the area for redevelopment in a deliberate attempt to cause blight and justify taking our homes away and destroying our community.

My family owned a home on Franklin Terrace. When we purchased the home, the neighborhood was lovely and the location, just down the street from the ocean, couldn't have been better. Years later, the city declared the neighborhood part of the redevelopment zone. Suddenly, no one wanted to buy homes or undertake expensive improvements, fearing they could be condemned at any moment. Attempting to blight a decent neighborhood was a clear case of a greedy city government intentionally trying to tear down a community for its own gain.

The city and state officials who say they are doing this to improve Long Branch won't take our calls. They're too busy playing footsie with the developers to bother with residents and taxpayers. Once they take your home, good luck getting any money for it. Forget fair market value â our house has been gone for two years and we're still being strung along in court. This land grab will continue unless the Supreme Court recognizes it for what it is â the illegal seizure of private property.

Grace Cangemi

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