Dear Mrs. Ricks:
   As a grandparent of school age children, may I ask for your support in helping me as a BOE Candidate # 5 to implement a strong "Media Arts Program"in the district should I be elected to the Board?
   As you know, I've showcased many events from Asbury Park on my "MSP TV 77" Show since 1992 with much success and I'd love to combine Language Arts with Media Arts into the school curriculum through out the district if elected with your help. 
   I have worked with you in the past and you know my work.I hope you can envision the effectiveness of a strong Language and Media Arts Program in the classrooms.  Please help me spread the word about my visions and Vote for Me!
 Kyangazi A. Denson, BOE Candidate # 5

As a grandparent, I want to ensure that qualified individuals with high moral character are elected to oversee the educational welfare of my grandchildren.  That is why on April 19th, I strongly encourage all registered voters of the city of Asbury Park to cast their vote for Mr. Amsden Bernier, Ms. Antoinette “Toni” Ross, and Ms. Eileen Sonnier for the Asbury Park Board of Education.


Each candidate has a proven tract record of advocacy for children.  Mr. Bernier has worked extensively with providing recreational activities for the children of the city.  Ms. Ross provided for and accompanied high school students on college and university tours, and Ms. Sonnier has been a tiredly worker in making sure that our special need students receive a quality education. Throughout their past service to the Board of Education there has been no personal hidden agendas, only honesty and integrity has shown through every decision and vote that they have made on behalf of the children and parents of this school district.  On April 19th make your vote count by pulling levers #6 - Eileen Sonnier (incumbent), and #7 - Amsden Bernier (incumbent) for three-year term. Pull lever #1 - Antoinette “Toni” Ross for one-year term.


Jessie M. Ricks
Asbury Park

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